Baggage Information
Each passenger is allowed to carry 1 medium-sized suitcase and 1 handbag only. Approved luggage includes suitcases, fabric bags, and containers with secure locks.
In case customers discover any loss of their checked baggage, they must immediately notify the staff at the terminal. The maximum compensation amount provided by Hoang Bus for lost baggage is $200 for all baggage of customers over 18 years old and $100 for children's baggage. We are not liable for any lost baggage that exceeds the predetermined compensation value. We are not responsible for or compensate for unaccompanied baggage. If the lost baggage is found, it is the passenger's responsibility to retrieve it at the terminal. We do not provide transportation of the recovered baggage to the passenger's home.
After the bus station staff has arranged your seating on the bus, please place your carry-on luggage in the overhead compartment above your seat.
In case customers discover any loss of their checked baggage, they must immediately notify the staff at the terminal. The maximum compensation amount provided by Hoang Bus for lost baggage is $200 for all baggage of customers over 18 years old and $100 for children's baggage. We are not liable for any lost baggage that exceeds the predetermined compensation value. We are not responsible for or compensate for unaccompanied baggage. If the lost baggage is found, it is the passenger's responsibility to retrieve it at the terminal. We do not provide transportation of the recovered baggage to the passenger's home.